ELUG Meetup: 27 July 2023

Topic: Linux Desktop
Physical location: Strathcona County Library, Birch Room

Twas a fairly informal affair, discussion about different desktop experiences and various and sundry related babbits…

ELUG Meetup: 22 June 2023

Topic: Shell scripts!
Presenter: Everyone!
Physical location: Strathcona County Library, Maple Room

We apologize for the technical difficulties that prevented us from starting the online meeting on time. (Something to do with ISP, technical jargon, blah blah blah, reboot, oh look there it’s up again.)

So, after introductions and a token cursory round of questions to each person about shell scripts, we ended up just munching pizza (thanks Rajiv!) and chit chatting about whatever.

Nice to finally meet HD Rajiv live and in person! 🙂 And welcome to the group Max!

ELUG Meetup: 25 May 2023

Topic: Random and sundry things
Physical location: Veterans Village Common Room

‘Twas an enjoyable evening in a different physical location.
Dave was kind enough to lend his internet bandwidth so that we could stream the meeting. Thanks Dave!

We went around the virtual table and each person talked a bit about what they were doing with Linux:
* Dave talked about proxmox and hypervisor stuff
* Norman had a question about pbx
* Sam talked about his ideas for his home lab
* Sam had a question about security for backup codes
-> the general consensus is: As much as possible, KEEP YOUR SECURITY CODES OFFLINE, i.e. not connected to internet AT ALL.

There was some general discussion around gaming on linux, as well as some talk about linux on android – grapheneOS.org

ELUG Meetup: 27 April 2023

Topic: Home “labs”
Physical location: Strathcona County Library, Birch Room

Manuel and David shared an overview of their home lab setup.

ELUG Meetup: 26 January 2023

Topic: Remote desktop
Presenter: Manuel

Manuel walked through how to set up a remote desktop connection between Linux and any other operating system, using rdp (remote desktop protocol). rdp is Microsoft proprietary, but it has become the de-facto standard protocol.

First of all, the machine you want to connect to must provide the remote desktop service using rdp. The host OS controls how many simultaneous rdp sessions are permitted.

Second: install and configure client software:
Linux – xrdp, rdesktop / FreeRDP, Remmina, Vinagre
Win – MS RemoteDesktop
MacOS – MS RemoteDesktop

Other operating systems provide proprietary or OS-agnostic remote desktop services:
* VNC (platform independent; RFB remote frame buffer protocol = open source, not standardized)
* macos: Apple Remote Desktop (proprietary; uses RFB protocol)
* ChromeOS: Google Chrome Remote Desktop (proprietary; within Chrome browser) remotedesktop.google.com/
* DWS (platform independent, browser-based) dwservice.net

If you would like to review the presentation please visit our nextcloud instance here: https://nextcloud.elug.rocks/index.php/s/AkaeFBHDBZ8DFpL?path=%2F2023.01%20Remote%20Desktop.


ELUG Meetup: 22 December 2022

Topic: Year in review
Presenter: Everyone

This was a very informal affair, more of a hang-out and chit-chat about random Linux-related things. Some of the topics and references that were shared:

Raspberry Pi



Helm-Kubernetes, LAMP, dovecot:

Certificates, SSL


port forwarding
transmission, torrent
announce servers


micro-box for print/file server

ELUG Meetup: 24 November 2022

Topic: vlans
Presenter: David

David talked about how to set up a vlan, showed his setup for how he does so, and we discussed some of the issues around segregating networked devices and keeping your private networks private.

ELUG Meetup: 27 October 2022

Topic: None, really. Just sharing about random projects and things.
Presenter: Everyone, but mostly Rajiv because he likes to talk.

Rajiv showed us the Deezer command line script that he modified. (Deezer is an online streaming music player client.)
Rajiv also showed us some of the tricks he has up his sleeve for packet capture and analysis.
Yes, of course there was vim.

David had upgraded some Debian servers from 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11. Yes, step by step, including resolving some circular dependencies. Fun fun fun for everyone. K maybe not really.

Manuel wrote a *nix-load of kubernetes container scripts, way more than his fair share.

Rick is still playing with his RaspberryPi server.

Jochen used to work at a Volkswagen factory for many years. Now he is learning linux.

Robert was just there, directing traffic. As usual. Oh, by the way, the btrfs check --repair appears to have been successful. Yay!