Topic: Everything!
Discussion lead: Everyone!
Physical location: Strathcona County Public Library, Maple Room; 401 Festival Lane Sherwood Park
Virtual location:
This month we will have discussion by Everyone! Everything! Everywhere! All at once!
Ok not really. (Besides, that movie was almost three years ago by now.)
More realistically, we will have a round-table discussion open to anyone who has anything to contribute (or not?), maybe gather some ideas for future meetings and group direction.
Come on out for some friendly neighborhood linux group therapy.
The Edmonton Linux User Group (ELUG) is a chance to get together with other users of Linux, GNU, and Unix-like operating systems, and open source software. Our members range from newcomers to power users to seasoned administrators and developers; so, all are welcome!
We meet as an opportunity to exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences for several reasons:
- to educate for personal and professional growth
- to promote and advocate for the free and open source movement
- to support and assist with Linux related challenges
- and to socialize with peers who have a common interest
Meetings are held virtually as well as in person. The meeting description and URL for each month are available on our website at
Examples of topics that may be discussed or presented include (but not limited to):
- Exposure to different distributions
- Workshops on various tools and commands
- Applications, development and tuning
- just about anything else Linux-related
We welcome anyone with an interest in Linux and/or open source software and look forward to building the Linux community in Edmonton.
Standard Agenda:
6:00pm – Arrival, random chitchat
6:30pm – Welcome & introductions, topic discussion begins
7:30pm – Announcements, open discussion
8:00pm – Event conclusion
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Robert Salomons or Manuel Eller or David Laycock at