ELUG Meetup: 25 July 2024

Presenter: Mostly Robin, but there was plenty of banter from several others
Topic: More security topics! public key crypto, ssh, gpg keys
Physical location: Strathcona County Public Library, Maple Room; 401 Festival Lane Sherwood Park https://maps.app.goo.gl/yhBzVWn4UoVTGW1T7

~/.ssh/known_hosts file = list of authenticated server signatures
“I’ve connected to these servers before, and this one matches a signature”
~/.ssh/authorized_keys = list of authenticated public keys
“I’ve authenticated these (users) public keys before, and this user has proven they have a matching private key”

gpg --list-keys
gpg --export-secret-keys
subkeys: https://gnupg.org/howtos/card-howto/en/ch05s02.html


Recommendation: Encrypt personal files with your own private key, so that no one can decrypt anything except you… but then make sure you backup your private key(s)!

Subsequent discussion:

fan speed kernel daemon module (yay Lyndon!)
vitals = package to show system info in top status bar
