ELUG Meetup 28 March 2024

Presenter: Everyone
Topic: Random
Physical location: Strathcona County Public Library, Maple Room

Random chat about many things… HLS Downloader, KASM, Ollama, LibreOffice scripting, AppArmor.net, BSOD on systemd Linux, floppy drives, search engines, issues with AI and chatbots, and how does Stephen Hawking actually use his tech to actually speak?

ELUG Meetup: 29 February 2024

Presenter: You! Everyone!
Topic: Show and/or tell
Physical location: Strathcona County Public Library; 401 Festival Lane Sherwood Park https://maps.app.goo.gl/yhBzVWn4UoVTGW1T7

Basically a hangout chit-chat about random bits of tech and linuxy things…

Lyndon showed us how he uses “paperless”, a virtual document tracking app, for tracking receipts and bills and things. Very cool.

ELUG Meetup: 25 January 2024

Presenter: Robin S
Topic: An overview of some distributed/clustered filesystems
Physical location: Strathcona County Public Library, Maple Room; 401 Festival Lane Sherwood Park

Robin introduced us to a variety of different distributed filesystems, and walked through some of the basic features of MooseFS, SeaweedFS, JuiceFS, and a few others.

ELUG Meetup: 28 December 2023

Physical location: Boston Pizza, 4804 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, AB
Virtual location: none

Thanks to everyone who came out to the December social. It was so nice to see and meet everyone in person, including a few new faces.

Good eats, good conversation, good company, good times.

ELUG Meetup: 23 November 2023

Topic: bash ‘vim mode’ and general discussion
Presenter: Rajiv
Physical location: Strathcona County Public Library, Maple Room; 401 Festival Lane Sherwood Park

ELUG Meetup: 26 October 2023

Topic: Tools to use to detect and block bad “stuffs”
Presenter: Rajiv
Physical location: Strathcona County Public Library, Maple Room

Rajiv walked through a list of tools that are useful in managing computer and connectivity security in Linux-centric environments.

Qubes: qubes-os.org
Tails: tails.net
rootkit hunter: rkhunter
nessus: tenable.com
ELK: elastic.co/elastic-stack (community edition)
ossim: cybersecurity.att.com
Zeek: github.com/zeek/zeek (packet capture)
RITA: github.com/activecm/rita
Google Rapid Response: github.com/google/grr
suricata: github.com/OISF/
Privacy badger: github.com/EFForg/privacybadger
Ublock-origin: github.com/gorhill/uBlock
OpenSnitch: github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch
PortMaster: safing.io

Random other links:

ELUG Meetup: 28 September 2023

Topic: How to set up and use opnsense/pfsense, a.k.a. a refresher in how to secure your home network
Presenter: Robert was the test subject

We walked through a hypothetical home network setup, where the user (me) wanted to isolate his home network from the default ISP router-created network. I also wanted to add pihole (or some equivalent adblocking functionatlity).

Either one of pfsense or Opnsense will do for this purpose; i happened to choose opnsense because that’s the one that installed with no issues. David and Rajiv provided some direction in how to configure opnsense, and we discussed other options and configurations that may be useful for other users and varying situations.

ELUG Meetup: 27 July 2023

Topic: Linux Desktop
Physical location: Strathcona County Library, Birch Room

Twas a fairly informal affair, discussion about different desktop experiences and various and sundry related babbits…

ELUG Meetup: 22 June 2023

Topic: Shell scripts!
Presenter: Everyone!
Physical location: Strathcona County Library, Maple Room

We apologize for the technical difficulties that prevented us from starting the online meeting on time. (Something to do with ISP, technical jargon, blah blah blah, reboot, oh look there it’s up again.)

So, after introductions and a token cursory round of questions to each person about shell scripts, we ended up just munching pizza (thanks Rajiv!) and chit chatting about whatever.

Nice to finally meet HD Rajiv live and in person! 🙂 And welcome to the group Max!